Sowing Seeds: ORCHARD At The OFFICE beginnings

Hello! I’m Chris Buchanan, the Marketing Wiseapple with ORCHARD At The OFFICE, and my primary aim in conveying our historical narrative is to make it as palatable to any potential reader as the premium produce we provide. (As you can already see, if alliteration’s your thing, I’ll undoubtedly provide that in abundance, in addition to employing a host of other literary devices to the extent my limited skills can conjure.) As the story of how ORCHARD At The OFFICE grew from a simple idea to north Texas’ largest office fresh fruit delivery service starts in 2010, which predates my own involvement in the organization, the first installment in this adventure – the one you’re presently reading – will be told in the third person. The idea for this company belongs to Kevin Long, our Chief Banana. Personally I can claim no credit, but then, the best things that have happened in my personal life were never really my idea, which is a sentiment any successful husband will certainly understand.

Kevin, our Chief Banana, making a delectable delivery in our early days.
Kevin, our Chief Banana, making a delectable delivery in our early days.

Cast your mind, if you will, back to 2010. Ke$ha was on the satellite radio “singing” “TiK ToK” and Taio Cruz was lighting it up like it’s dynamite. The popular show The Biggest Loser, in its ninth season, continued to inspire and motivate the nation to achieve its health and fitness goals, and insurance firms were increasingly incentivizing corporations to establish wellness programs such as smoking cessation, fitness challenges, and healthy snack alternatives, as a way to help everyone’s bottom line, both figuratively and literally.

Amidst all this, native Texan Kevin Long was employed as a director of an advertising firm in Dallas. Every week it was someone’s duty to bring in the morning munchables – predictably, donuts and bagels. Now, few are those who would eschew a lovely glazed donut, but Kevin thought, “hey, what if we brought in something healthy, like bananas and apples? Everybody loves fresh fruit, and it seems everyone’s trying to get healthy.” And lo, he did just that, bringing in the bounty to the break room, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. So much so, in fact, that Kevin partnered with relative Dennis McCart, left his organization, and soon they took their idea to office kitchens throughout the Metroplex.

Before long ORCHARD At The OFFICE fresh fruit baskets graced the kitchen countertops of some of the finest Metroplex businesses.
Before long ORCHARD At The OFFICE fresh fruit baskets graced the kitchen countertops of some of the finest Metroplex businesses.

And so it was on October 15, 2010 that ORCHARD At The OFFICE took root. At first, it was a two-man operation, with Kevin and Denny arriving at the farmers’ markets sometimes before the agrarians themselves, then artfully arranging the yield and delivering it themselves to their “friends”.

(As an aside, I must tell you that it is the ORCHARD At The OFFICE way to view our clients and vendors as friends and partners, so much so that our strategy room which would be known in many offices as the “war room” is instead the “friend zone”. Our job titles, which include “Office Peach”, “Facilities Bosc”, and “Truckin’ Tangelo”, attest to the commitment to a happy, healthy environment.)

(back to Our Story)

Snackdown II: Fresh fruit vs. baked goods


Does it really matter if you eat a piece of fruit in the morning instead of baked goods? Stopping by the bakery on the way to work adds an extra step to your commute. What is the impact to your belt line? Orchard At The Office offers this comparison so you can draw your own conclusions…

Bananas vs. Donuts

Here, we’re examining the difference between one medium-sized banana and one regular-sized (66 gram) donut. Here’s a side-by-side comparison (banana information first):

Calories: 105 vs. 239

Saturated Fat: 1% U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) vs. 16% RDA

Sodium: 1 mg vs. 232 mg

Potassium: 12% RDA vs. 2% RDA

Vitamin C: 17% RDA vs. 1% RDA

Apples vs. Blueberry Muffin

Some might think that since these muffins contain fruit, the nutritional content of the berries “balance out” the confectionery, in the same way one might think getting vegetable toppings on a pizza makes it “healthy”. Let’s take a look. One medium apple is compared to a small (66 gram) blueberry muffin:

Calories: 95 vs. 259

Saturated Fat: 0% RDA vs. 13% RDA

Sodium: 2 mg vs. 208 mg

Potassium: 6% RDA vs. 2% RDA

Vitamin C: 14% RDA vs. 1% RDA

Oranges vs. Bagels

This is the nutritional data from one medium-sized orange compared to a regular (57 gram) bagel:

Calories: 62 vs. 146

Saturated Fat: 0% RDA vs. 1% RDA

Sodium: 0 mg vs. 255 mg

Potassium: 7% RDA vs. 1% RDA

Vitamin C: 116% RDA vs. 1% RDA

Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional donut or bagel. However, cultivating a lifestyle of wellness is a series of small steps – and the conversion to delicious fresh fruit is an easy one to take! Reach into that basket and take a bite of fitness, from your friends at Orchard At The Office.

Snackdown I: Fresh fruit vs. vending machine fare


Simple intuition tells us that when it comes to office snacks, fresh fruit is a healthy alternative to the denizens of the vending machine. But how much difference does it really make? The answer is: quite a lot more than you’d expect!

Let’s examine the difference between some of the fruits you’ll find in your basket from ORCHARD At The OFFICE, and some of the candies you’ll find in your vending machine.

Bananas vs. Candy Bars

Here, we’re examining the difference between one medium-sized banana and one regular-sized candy bar. Here’s a side-by-side comparison (banana information first):

Calories: 105 vs. 271

Saturated Fat: 1% U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) vs. 26% RDA

Sodium: 1 mg vs. 140 mg

Potassium: 12% RDA vs. 5% RDA

Vitamin C: 17% RDA vs. 0% RDA

Apples vs. Potato Chips

One medium apple is compared to a snack-sized bag of potato chips:

Calories: 95 vs. 150

Saturated Fat: 0% RDA vs. 16% RDA

Sodium: 2 mg vs. 7 mg

Potassium: 6% RDA vs. 9% RDA

Vitamin C: 14% RDA vs. 10% RDA

Oranges vs. Cookies

This is the nutritional data from one medium-sized orange compared to a snack package of cookies:

Calories: 62 vs. 270

Saturated Fat: 0% RDA vs. 12% RDA

Sodium: 0 mg vs. 370 mg

Potassium: 7% RDA vs. 1% RDA

Vitamin C: 116% RDA vs. 0% RDA

When you see the numbers right next to each other, the healthy choice becomes clear. The good news is that eating fruit becomes habit-forming! Soon you won’t even miss that candy bar, the bag of chips, or the cookies. You’ll be craving the fresh fruit provided by ORCHARD At The OFFICE – and you’ll feel better for it!

A five-minute fruit salad


Need a quick snack during your break? Here’s a simple three-fruit recipe that gives you two servings of taste, nutrition, and energy. All you need is two bananas, an apple, and a plum, along with either a Ziploc bag or small (2 cup) container.

  • Peel and cut the two bananas, each into 10-12 pieces.
  • Cut the plum in half, remove the pit, and continue to cut until you have eight pieces.
  • Cut the four sides off the apple, dispose of the core, and continue to cut until you have sixteen pieces.

Now, you simply mix the fruit in a bowl, and set aside half in your bag or container. (Be sure to label it with a Sharpie so that officemates don’t steal it…unless you don’t mind sharing, of course!) Next comes the best part: eat and enjoy!

Of course, you can use any combination of fruit when you do a fruit salad. We’ve started with this recommendation as these are currently in season, and the crisp texture of the apple complements the softer banana and plum nicely. Additionally, the acidity of the plum provides a flavorful counterpoint to the sweetness of the apple and banana.

This simple snack gives you a great energy boost. Within 170 calories per serving, you’ll get 29% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, nearly 500 milligrams of potassium, and plenty of dietary fiber to keep you healthy and happy throughout the day! Plus, sealed properly, your snack will be there for a good 24 hours.

We hope you enjoy this quick recipe for fruit salad. Live well!