Work/Health Balance: Tips for a Fit Office

Create a culture of wellness in the workplace

It is surprising to think now that the concept of work/health balance in the workplace is a 21st-century one. It seems self-evident these days that work environments should be geared toward maintaining the health of its staff. There are still some companies that consider healthy office initiatives as perks to be cut in lean times, instead of means to a more productive end.

work/health balance boosts productivityWhether you’re part of a small business or Fortune 500 company, you can contribute to a culture of wellness in your workplace. It needn’t involve rustling a tribe of yoga-friendly goats or trying to organize team triathlons. Fundamental changes can be made incrementally.


You don’t have to have the title of Wellness Director in your organization to help share basic fitness tips. Many of our friends-in-wellness, whether they’re part of the International Association of Administrative Professionals or Human Resource professionals, have success with passing along simple e-mails or putting up informational flyers. These can be infographics about nutrition, or shared articles on exercises that can be done in the workplace.

Another effective method is to start a private social media group, where those interested in the concept of work/health balance can share ideas. Whether it’s recipes that can be prepared in a company kitchen, or simple breathing exercises while working at a desk, using the “hive mind” to gather ideas to forward along to colleagues is ultimately rewarding for the company’s bottom line.

The information doesn’t need to be conveyed in an evangelical method – if one is told, in effect, “you’re doing it all wrong” by a work colleague, the message will be lost.  At the end of the day, the enthusiasm you feel from your own success in adopting work/health habits will persuade others to join in.


Many studies have documented the correlation between healthy eating and happiness. The concept of “healthy alternatives” can extend far beyond nutritious snacks. Ergonomic office furniture, comfortable work environments, and inclusivity are all fundamental shifts in corporate culture. The money spent to paint an office interior so that it becomes an inviting place to work can imbue employees with a sense of physical and emotional well-being.


Many companies have soured on the phrase “wellness initiatives” because they feel they were promised a bill of goods they never received: a staff with fewer sick days and lower insurance costs. The assumption was that if the company paid for gym memberships or flu shots, all would quite literally be well. So it’s important that when we think of a work/health balance, we understand the goals. Increased productivity and improved office culture are goals worth pursuing!



Does Kenneth, in Accounts Payable, get his reports done with greater accuracy now work/health balance boosts productivitythat he has fresh fruit to snack on, a more comfortable work environment, and is taking part in some fitness challenges with his team members? Now that Audrey in Marketing has a “Wellness Room” for twenty minutes of personal time in the afternoon, is she more productive the rest of the day?  

Quite simply, the link is this: a workplace environment conducive to the physical and mental well-being of the staff creates a positive atmosphere. Employees are willing to work longer and with greater efficiency, because they become task-oriented instead of “watching the clock.” The real key is to see the long-term benefits of incremental nudges.

Fresh Fruit Delivery Makes A Happier Office

Fresh fruit delivery is a simple way to achieve a happier, healthier office. As Ron Friedman says in the October 2014 Harvard Business Journal: “If you’re serious about achieving top workplace performance, making intelligent decisions about food is essential.” He goes on to cite a study published in the July 2014 British Journal of Health Psychology that states: “fruit and vegetable consumption predicted greater eudaemonic well-being, curiosity, and creativity at the between and within-person levels.”

Despite the complex wording, the message here is simple. A company that is committedhappier healthier office to wellness and worker happiness can easily provide healthy snack alternatives for its staff.  Setting up fresh fruit delivery from ORCHARD At The OFFICE produces results that are immediate and tangible. Employees are happier and healthier. It’s that straightforward!

Providing Healthy Incentives

There are a variety of tools available to Metroplex business looking to literally trim the fat. In its worksite wellness manual, the Texas Department of State Health Services lists a variety of measures that companies can take to improve the fitness of their workforce. Among the most achievable on the list is “healthy food.” Cathy Ross, facilities manager for ORIX, saw fresh fruit delivery from ORCHARD At The OFFICE as the ideal means to achieve this. Ms. Ross says, “We wanted to provide a healthy incentive for our employees, instead of deferring to the vending machines.”

The ORCHARD At The OFFICE concept is simple and companies of any size can visit the website to get started. “In my experience, wellness sells itself,” says Kevin Long, the Chief Banana. “We provide the means to make it easier for everyone. People love fresh fruit, and it’s wonderful to see how excited people get when we show up with a basket.”

Happier, Healthier Workers

Their customers can attest to the satisfaction. “ORCHARD At The OFFICE has been a huge success! The employees appreciate the fresh fruit,” says Tammie Hufstettler, who made fresh fruit delivery a part of their corporate wellness initiative last year. Cathy Ross concurs. “There is usually a line to get to the fruit as it is amazingly fresh, and the selection is wonderful.”

happier healthier office

To join the happy, healthy office movement in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex or Greater Houston, visit the ORCHARD At The OFFICE website or call 972-295-9091.

PRESS RELEASE: Metroplex company makes healthy snacks their business

As a concept, wellness has become a cultural concern that has found firm footing in the corporate environment. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the link between healthy lifestyles and productivity, and are willing to allocate resources to providing everything from smoking cessation materials to aerobic instruction. There are even insurance providers willing to reimburse entrepreneurs who take steps to contribute to the well-being of their staff. Weight loss challenges, yoga classes, fruits and vegetables in the break rooms and board rooms – these all contribute, figuratively and literally, to a healthier bottom line.

In the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, one company has taken up the challenge of delivering wellness to offices…one bite at a time.

Richardson, Texas-based ORCHARD At The OFFICE has a singular mission: to deliver fresh fruit to the businesses of north Texas. By putting together a variety of baskets of top-quality produce, they allow companies small and large to eat healthy with minimal fuss. But these folks are not mere “grocery-getters”: their knowledgeable and energetic staff knows their fruit facts. By viewing their clients as friends, and seeing themselves as partners on a mission to provide health and great taste, ORCHARD At The OFFICE has grown from a two-man effort into a round-the-clock operation dedicated to the cause of healthy living.

“It’s an amazing response,” says Kevin Long, founder and Chief Banana (as it says on his card). “People welcome the difference.” He should know. He first got the idea when he was employed as a director of an advertising firm, and decided to experiment with bringing in bananas and apples in lieu of the more sugar-centric morning munchables. The result was gratifying: “they attacked the baskets! They were really excited.” So much so that Long got the confidence to take his idea and start his own enterprise in 2010. As time has gone by and the business has expanded, so have the offerings: customers can receive the ever-popular bananas, apples, oranges, a variety of pears, citrus, stone fruits, grapes and berries. “Helping our friends find the right mix for their office is part of the fun,” says Chris Buchanan, the Marketing Wiseapple.

Their friends certainly seem satisfied. Monday morning sees a flurry of activity at the company’s headquarters, as baskets of fruits in all manner of inviting colors are loaded into a slew of vehicles to find their way into office kitchens throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The drivers operate as the primary point of contact with their friends and serve to answer questions and note any special accommodations. Regular deliveries are made, special events are scheduled, and even a few gift baskets are dropped off by those wanting to give other companies the gift of health.

For the Chief Banana, that’s what it all comes back to. “Fruit is a gift on so many levels. It’s a gift to yourself.”


For more information on ORCHARD At The OFFICE, you can go to or send a message to

Eating healthy is…addictive?


One of the biggest challenges to adopting a healthy lifestyle is kicking the junk-food habit, particularly morning sweets. Donuts and muffins are sugary and full of carbohydrates, but without the added nutritional power, your energy will fade fast and the natural tendency is to grab another “quick-fix”.

It’s like keeping your car running by putting a gallon in the tank at a time.

Over the course of time, many report what was once a mere sugar craving devolving into an obsession, not unlike addiction. Obviously, this is detrimental for those fighting to acquire or maintain a healthy lifestyle. A host of health issues, from diabetes to depression to simple obesity, can result from a sugar fixation.

Fortunately, this is where the ORCHARD At The OFFICE solution proves invaluable. Having fruit handy when sugar cravings hit makes it so much easier to avoid temptation, as certified addiction specialist Judy Chambers, LCSW, CAS points out in an article published on WebMD entitled “13 Ways To Fight Sugar Cravings”. You’ll get all the natural (low glycemic) sugars from the fruit, as well as the vitamins, fiber, and of course the flavor you crave from a morning or mid-meal snack. Just 2-4 servings a day of fruit will significantly reduce sugar cravings.

It’s also handy to remember that fruits, especially bananas, work as a natural sugar substitute. So if you bring cereal or yogurt to work, you can quickly slice up a banana supplied by ORCHARD At The OFFICE.

While kicking the sugar habit takes time, it doesn’t take as long as one might think! Some studies suggest that you can convert yourself from a processed sugar habit to a healthy food habit, including the fruits provided by ORCHARD At The OFFICE, in just a couple of weeks. Nature abhors a vacuum, as psychiatrist Dr. Charles Raison points out, and the tendency to replace one habit with another is natural. Why not make the switch to a healthy alternative?

This is not to suggest sugar should be avoided completely, of course! There is a difference between the occasional sweet for pleasure and the habitual consumption despite obvious health risks. Our mission at ORCHARD At The OFFICE is to supply wellness, and we hope the information provided here gives you an incentive to take a step in that direction.